Polskie uczelnie w światowej perspektywie

Rankingi a strategiczne zarządzanie szkołą wyższą

Warszawa 1-2 grudnia 2016


Dominik Antonowicz

Dr hab. Dominik Antonowicz, p.o. Kierownika Zakładu Socjologii Nauki, Adiunkt. Dominik Antonowicz is a doctor of sociology assistant professor in the Institute of Sociology, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun. A former Chevening scholar (Birmingham University), the Foundation for Polish Science scholar (Center of Higher Education Policy Studies, Twente University). A sociologist, public manager, higher education researcher and policy analyst.

His research interests include globalization, public policy and higher education, European educational policy, international organizations, the modern institution of the university, transformations of the academic profession, as well sport fandom.

He served as an adviser to the Ombudsmen (dr Janusz Kochanowski) and a full-time adviser to the Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland (prof. Barbara Kudrycka).

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Patronat Honorowy

Jarosław Gowin
Wiceprezes Rady Ministrów,
Minister Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego


Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna

Partner Merytoryczny

Partner instytucjonalny

Bank Zachodni WBK realizuje program Santander Universidades w Polsce